The translators and proofreaders on our team, based in London, Birmingham, and Leeds, are native in their languages (target language). In addition, they are accredited by a Masters in Translation. They all specialize in specific areas such as politics, marketing, language localization, subtitling and certified translations. Translators specializing in the translation of websites and softwares (language localization) master the various graphic design tools like Photoshop but also localization programs such as Passolo and Crowdin. They can translate your documents in WORD, PDF, HTML and EXCEL. Do not hesitate to contact us if your documents are in a different format.

The quality and timeliness of their work has built ABC Translation’s reputation over the years. We are very proud to work with top professionals who always meet the requirements of our customers. They put their knowledge and experience at your disposal to provide a work of the highest quality. Our translators are also efficient in layout and formatting that allows perfect visual result. We are a multicultural company whose main goal is to provide top-notch translation services in order to improve communicative exchanges around the globe.

Our team is at your disposal should you require any further information and looks forward to working with you.

Our team

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